Human Clinical Core

Overview of Services

The Human Clinical Research Facility (HCRF) is a 23,000 square foot biomedical research facility that was developed with a mission is to serve as a comprehensive biomedical research facility in providing support to researchers conducting human clinical research at Texas A&M University. The HCRF contains facilities to conduct training and rehabilitation research; a large conference / lecture area; offices for faculty, staff, and research assistants; 12 beds for overnight research studies; a metabolic kitchen for feeding studies; a pharmacy compounding room for preparing sterile intravenous solutions; 4 procedure and research examination rooms; DEXA and resting energy expenditure rooms; large physiological testing area; a secured data archive system; nursing station, blood/tissue processing and testing laboratory; monitored and controlled -80°C freezers; and, a comprehensive wet lab. Faculty can conduct research in the HCRF by: 1.) requesting space allocation through the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Education and Human Development; 2.) renting space for independently managed, staffed, and funded projects; 3.) collaborating directly with PI’s housed in the HCRF on grant projects; or, 4.) having HCRF staff collect data on IRB approved protocols for internally and externally sponsored projects on a fee for service basis.


Richard B. Kreider, PhD|Core Director

Facility Contact Information:

675 John Kimbrough Blvd.
Building #1542
College Station, TX 77843-4253
Call: 979-458-1741

Links and Resources

  1. Human Clinical Research Facility


Name Role Phone Email Location
Richard B. Kreider, PhD
Core Director
675 John Kimbrough Blvd. Building #1542 College Station, TX 77843-4253
