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Integrated Metabolomics Analysis Core

Overview of Services


Welcome to the Integrated Metabolomics Analysis Core (IMAC) at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Established in 2016 with funding from the TAMU Research Development Fund, the IMAC is the result of a strategic investment in the research infrastructure at TAMU in the field of Metabolomics.


The IMAC operates as a fee-for-service core facility and accepts samples on a first come, first serve basis. Please fill up the Metabolomics Project Submission Form before the initial project meeting. After you submit the form we will contact you to schedule an initial project meeting to discuss your research/service needs (see Contacts) prior to sample/project drop-off.


What is Metabolomics?

Metabolomics is one of the most recent members of the ‘omics’ community of system biology technologies. It is a term that encompasses the study of small molecules and metabolites that are contained within cells, tissues and biofluids of organisms. Metabolomic studies can be ‘targeted’, where specific compounds are analyzed and quantitated or ‘untargeted’, where the ‘metabolome’ is sampled and analyzed to discover compounds that are present. There are many classes of metabolites including amino acids, Krebs Cycle metabolites, sugars, fats as well as fatty acids or bile acids that make up the metabolome. The IMAC will specialize, primarily, in small, polar compounds that can be separated by liquid chromatography or gas chromatography.


The Mission of the IMAC is to provide:

Open access core facility available to all TAMU users for Metabolomics service and research
Different levels of service from drop-off to collaborative projects
Training for TAMU postdoctoral fellows and students to use the state-of-the-art instrumentation in support of specific projects
Short courses and workshops on advances in metabolomics


Our Core Strengths:

State-of-the-art instrumentation for targeted and untargeted metabolomics analysis
Professional full-time staff
Focus on Service and Research


The Markets We Serve:

TAMU scientists and students
Other academic research scientists
Commercial entities


Advisory Board:

Stephen Safe (CVM)
Robert Chapkin (COALS)
Frank Raushel (Science)
Robert Alaniz (HSC)


Cory Klemashevich, PhD, Lab Manager
(979) 845–4832



Larry Dangott, PhD, Director


Arul Jayaraman, PhD, Director



Smriti Shankar, Research Associate



Getting Started

**For A&M individuals: First-time users should click "Register" in upper right.  Returning students will click "Sign In"

**For Non-A&M individuals: Before you register, you must be assigned an External PO Number.  Please fill out this External PO form and return to the Core Director,

Cory Klemashevich You may contact the Core Director with any additional questions.

Location and hours of operation

Hours      Location

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm 

     300 Olsen Bl Room 402
     College Station, TX 77843-2128

Links and Resources

  1. Integrated Metabolomics Analysis Core


Name Role Phone Email Location
Cory Klemashevich
Lab Manager
(979) - 845 - 4832
Bio/Bio 402





Service list

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
iLC-MS Targeted (4)
iGC-MS Targeted (1)
i-Ext-Basic (1)
