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Electrical Measurements Lab

Overview of Services

The increasing pace and complexity of our physical world has manifested a new term, cyber-physical systems, the interface between computers, networking and the physical world. One key component of this increasing interconnection between the on-line world and our physical world is the art of electrical measurements. From detecting ultra-weak signals from distant spacecraft to controlling the worldwide electrical power grid, the ability to understand and perform electrical measurements is key.

The Electrical Measurements Lab will provide students a state-of-the-art facility where they can translate electrical theory into real-world case studies, encompassing measurements needed in existing and emerging fields, and scales from nanowatts to kilowatts and Hz to TeraHz.

The Electrical Measurements Lab will be a relatively ‘fixed’ lab,  supporting high-volume courses, with known, proven equipment.



Aydin I. Karsilayan, Commitee Chair,




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General Inquiries


Available Equipment and Resources

Course Use Workstations (8)
Student Use & General Workstations (2)