The Texas A&M Institute for Genome Sciences and Society (TIGSS) manages a molecular genomics core laboratory as well as a shared equipment workspace to support genomics-based research at Texas A&M University. The TIGSS Genomics Core offers training and experimental support for many technologies upstream of sequence generation. Equipment systems include the 10x Genomics Chromium single-cell system for extraction and isolation of nucleic acids and template preparation for sequencing or qPCR from single cells, and the 10x Genomics Visium system for spatial gene expression profiling, as well asa Eppendorf epMotion 5075 liquid handling system for library preparation, the Agilent TapeStation and BioTek Cytation5 multifunction imager for library quality control, and the Illumina MiSeq and NextSeq 2000 for generation of up to 400 million single end or 800 million paired end sequencing reads per run. Through the Texas Genomics Core Alliance, we have access to the NovaSeq housed at the North Texas Genome Center at UT Arlington. Long-read sequencing is performed on our Oxford Nanopore Technologies GridION.
Apart from DNA sequencing platforms, the Genomics Core offers whole-genome genotyping on the Illumina Infinium platform, and optical genome mapping with the Bionano Genomics Saphyr system.
Equipment available in the shared workspace includes Bio-Rad Laboratories QX200 droplet digital PCR and CFX real-time PCR systems, the BioTek Cytation5 multifunction imager, Maxwell 16 system for automated nucleic acid isolation, Agilent 4200 TapeStation, Qubit fluorometer, Eppendorf epMotion 5075, Miltenyi GentleMACS OCTO cell dissociator, Countess II cell counter and Orflo Moxi Go II flow cytometer.
If you have questions or would like to initiate a work request, please email
Jeffrey D. Cirillo, TIGSS Director
Jun Fan, Genomics Core Director
Kelli Kochan, Genomics Core Lab Manager
Hours | Location |
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 5:00 |
Texas A&M University 206 Olsen Blvd 445 Reynolds Medical Building College Station, TX 77843 |
Resources available through the TIGSS shared molecular genomics laboratory can be found at:
Name | Role | Phone | Location | |
Jun Fan |
Genomics Core Director
440 Reynolds Medical Building
Price List |
► Full Service - Bioinformatics (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Bioinformatics Service (per hour) | Inquire | ||
► Full Service - DNA/RNA isolation (2) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
PowerSoil (Qiagen) Microbiome DNA Isolation (per sample) |
Microbiome DNA isolation from fecal pellets, soil, and other sources.
Inquire | |
NucleoMag (Machery-Nagel) Plant DNA Isolation (per sample) | Inquire | ||
► Full Service - DNA/RNA QC (8) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
DNA/RNA Qubit (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
TapeStation DNA D1000 (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
TapeStation DNA HS D1000 (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
TapeStation DNA D5000 (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
TapeStation DNA HS D5000 (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
TapeStation Genomic DNA (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
TapeStation RNA (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
TapeStation RNA HS (full service; per sample) | Inquire | ||
► Full Service - DNA Library Preparation (Illumina NGS) (4) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Illumina DNA Tagmentation Library Prep (per sample) |
Formerly the Illumina Nextera DNA Flex Kit, this has transitioned to the Illumina DNA (M) Tagmentation Kit. |
Inquire | |
Illumina Amplicon Library Prep (per sample) |
Formerly listed as the Illumina 16S rRNA Library Prep, V3-V4 Region, this protocol has been renamed to reflect that it is suitable for use with other metagenomic primer sets such as 18S rRNA and ITS, as well as custom primer sets. |
Inquire | |
IDT xGen Amplicon Library Prep (per sample) |
Targeted library preparation using xGen prep kit and amplicon primer panels. Panels are available for several different target sets, including:
Inquire | |
HiC Sample Prep & Library Construction (per sample) |
Tissue preparation to cross-link and extract DNA, and DNA library preparation with Dovetail Omni-C kit. |
Inquire | |
► Full Service - RNA Library Preparation for Illumina NGS (3) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep (per sample) | Inquire | ||
Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Library Prep with Ribo-Zero (per sample) |
Includes rRNA depletion with Ribo-Zero (species specific). |
Inquire | |
NextFlex Small RNA Library Prep (per sample) | Inquire | ||
► Full Service - Single Cell Library Preparation (2) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
NextGEM Single Cell 3' mRNA Library Prep (per sample, 1-3 samples) |
Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression provides mRNA profiling at single cell resolution. Transcriptomes are analyzed on a cell-by-cell basis through the use of microfluidic partitioning to capture single cells and prepare barcoded, next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries. |
Inquire | |
NextGEM Single Cell ATAC Library Prep (per sample; 1-3 samples) |
Chromium Single Cell ATAC (Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin) profiles chromatin accessibility at the single cell level, providing insights into cell types and states, and deeper understanding of gene regulatory mechanisms. |
Inquire | |
► Full Service - Sequencing (MiSeq) (9) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Sequencing - 150x150 PE (1 million read pairs) |
Inquire | |
Sequencing - 250x250 PE (1 million read pairs) |
Inquire | |
Sequencing - 150x150 PE (4 million read pairs) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - 50 SE (15 million reads) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - 150x150 PE (15 million read pairs) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - 250x250 PE (15 million read pairs) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - 150 SE (25 million reads) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - 75x75 PE (25 million read pairs) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - 300x300 PE (25 million read pairs) | Inquire | ||
► Full Service - Sequencing (NovaSeq) (2) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Sequencing - NovaSeq 6000 (NTGC) S4-XP, per Lane, 2x150 PE (2-2.5 billion clusters) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - NovaSeq 6000 (NTGC) S4-Std, per Flow Cell, 2x150 PE (8-10 billion clusters) | Inquire | ||
► Full Service - Oxford Nanopore Library Prep & Sequencing (3) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Oxford Nanopore Ligation Sequencing Library Preparation (per sample) |
The Ligation Sequencing kit is a versatile kit optimised for throughput. Libraries will produce 2-3+ Gb in 6 hours, 8+ Gb in 48 hours on a MinION flow cell. |
Inquire | |
Oxford Nanopore Rapid Barcoding Library Preparation (per library, 2-12 samples) |
Simple and rapid library preparation, with barcoding for up to 12 gDNA samples, sufficient to provide 1-2 Gb in 6 hours or 4-8 Gb in 48 hours on a standard MinION flow cell. |
Inquire | |
MinION R10.4.1 DNA Flow Cell |
The R10.4 is suitable for experiments where high consensus accuracy is required. It can provide data with 1D accuracies up to 95% and consensus accuracies over Q50. It is recommended for use ONLY with the Ligation Sequencing Library Preparation. |
Inquire | |
► Full Service - Infinium Whole Genome Genotyping (4) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Infinium processing; HTS 24x1 (per batch of 48 samples) | Inquire | ||
Infinium processing; Ultra HD 24x1 (per batch of 48 samples) | Inquire | ||
Infinium processing; Ultra HD 24x1 (per batch of 96 samples) | Inquire | ||
Infinium processing; Ultra HD 24x1 (per batch of 192 samples) | Inquire | ||
► Full Service - Additional Fees (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Molecular Biology Lab Work (per hour) |
Covers time only - no supplies - for Genomics Core staff to provide technical assistance with lab work that is not otherwise covered under a full-service line item or equipment training for users. |
Inquire | |
► Self Service - CFX96/CFX384 qPCR (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
CFX96/CFX384 qPCR Usage (per hour) |
Instrument usage only. Requestor must provide all consumables. |
Inquire | |
► Self-Service - Countess and Moxi Go (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Countess Usage (per slide) |
Includes consumables. |
Inquire | |
► Self Service - Cytation 5 (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Cytation 5 Usage (per hour) |
Instrument use only. |
Inquire | |
► Self Service - epMotion 5075 (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
epMotion Usage (per hour) |
Includes all epMotion-specific consumables. Requestor must provide all other consumables. |
Inquire | |
► Self Service - Qubit (2) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
DNA/RNA Qubit Usage (per sample) |
Broad range and high sensitivity dsDNA and RNA assays. Includes consumables. |
Inquire | |
microRNA Qubit Usage (per sample) |
Includes consumables. |
Inquire | |
► Self Service - QX200 ddPCR (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
QX200 ddPCR Usage (per set of 8 samples) |
Probe chemistry only. Consumables included. Samples are processed in columns of eight samples. Even if the column is not full, all consumables and reagents for the column are used. Therefore, pricing is per column, and it is strongly recommended that requestors process samples in multiples of eight to utilize the system most efficiently. |
Inquire | |
► Self Service - TapeStation/Bioanalyzer (6) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
DNA D1000 Usage (per sample) | Inquire | ||
DNA HS D1000 Usage (per sample) | Inquire | ||
DNA D5000 Usage (per sample) |
Includes consumables |
Inquire | |
DNA HS D5000 Usage (per sample) |
Includes consumables. |
Inquire | |
Genomic DNA Usage (per sample) |
Includes consumables. |
Inquire | |
RNA HS Usage (per sample) | Inquire | ||
► Uncategorized - Pulled but not deleted (9) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Puregene DNA Isolation (small volume, per sample) |
The Puregene small volume DNA isolation protocol is sufficent for 300 ul blood, 1–2 x 10^6 cells, or 5-10 mg tissue. |
Inquire | |
Trizol Total RNA Isolation (per sample) | Inquire | ||
Illumina TruSeq DNA PCR-Free Library Prep (per sample) | Inquire | ||
Illumina Nextera XT DNA Library Prep (per sample) | Inquire | ||
BioO NEXTflex ChIP-Seq Library Prep (per sample) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - S2-Std, per Flow Cell, 2x100 PE (3.3-4.1 billion clusters) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - S2 Std, per Flow Cell, 2x150 PE (3.3-4.1 billion clusters) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - S4-XP, per Lane, 2x100 PE (2-2.5 billion clusters) | Inquire | ||
Sequencing - S4-Std, per Flow Cell, 2x100 PE (8-10 billion clusters) | Inquire |